How to Record (HUD ECU Hacker)

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How to Record (HUD ECU Hacker)

Post by Terry »

Going to run a small record session so you have a good idea on what needs to be done. This session is shorter then 3 minutes but I did that so the video didn't run too long.

Follow the normal procedure to connect to the ecm and then type in the name of the record you want to name it in "Filename for the new log file" record so you have a good idea what record it is you are playing back in the future.

Once that is complete hit "Start Recording" and make sure to run it long enough to capture all the events you want to capture so you can play it back and put some rhyme or reason to what it is doing that is causing the issue.

Disconnect from the ecm so you can play back or you will get the error as shown in the popup.

Once that is done select the record you recorded to play back "Play Logfile" and before closing save as CSV clicking the "Save As CSV" button, You also have the option to open in Excel after it is saved and that will give you a much more readable sheet that you can manipulate to suit you.

Just a suggestion but if you do save as a CSV sheet and you highlight or move rows or columns or highlight cells then save as a .XLS or it will not keep the formatting you worked so hard to put in place, Don't ask me how I know this.

CSV file after highlighting and renaming to .xls.

Notice the intersecting points that are highlighted and you will see that the issue was the fuel being cutoff and causing a intermittent cutout when going down the highway.

This is one of those things that was it the spark plugs, wires, ignition, etc or was it fuel pump or signal to the pump, etc?

Well as you can see the ecm was telling the fuel to cutoff and just for a brief 1/10 of a second, In the end it was the angle position sensor on the gearbox.

You may ask why or you may not but it was signaling the reverse limiter it was in the wrong gear for just a few 10ths and that caused the bucking.

Without the software and recording you would have spent either more time or just throwing parts at it until it was fixed. Not the ideal approach and you as techs need to be detectives not parts changers.

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